Junking Cars in Schuylkill Berks County

Do you have a automobile you no longer use and would like to get rid of? If you two you have a couple of choices. You could part out the vehicle. A used running engine will get you between $150 and $500 depending on the condition and mileage. A transmission will get you between $75 and $250 depending on condition, make and model, and mileage.

You could also part out many additional parts including tires,wheels,glass,seats,tail lights,etc.

Of course, you will have to pull the motor and transmission which requires some know how.

Another possibility is to take it to a scrap yard, such as Achey's in Schuylkill County. They will pay you based on weight. Scrap metal usually pays so much per hundred pounds. For example, say you have a car that weighs 2500 pounds and scrap is paying $12 per hundred, you would have 25 x $12 which equals $300.

Junk Yards, such as Naftzingers, in Auburn, PA will buy running or non running automobiles. You will most likely get $200 and upwards for cars and trucks. Again, this depends on the condition, make and model, running condition, and mileage.

Now you know a little more about getting rid of a used vehicle.